Same Location

So you have an event or Gig that covers multiple dates but at the same location. This is easy to do.

At the section Event Recurrence, You are offered a number of choice, repeat Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Custom Dates or Custom Weeks.

Here are your choices.


If You choose daily, you will have Repeat Every and Repeat Until Selections available.

Repeat Every, is 1 for every day, 2 for every second day etc, so if you want it to repeat every 21 days, you can select 21.

Repeat Until, this is where the end of the cycle is, just choose a date from the calender.


When You select Weekly, You get the choice, Repeat Every, Day Name, and repeat until.

Repeat every, is similar to days, but it will repeat every week, second week, and so on.

Repeat Until is the same, so select a date when you no longer wish to have your event running.

The Day Name, is, Sunday through to Saturday, So you can choose which day of the week. An axample is Repeat every 2 Weeks On a Tuesday, until selected date.


For Monthly you get a few more options. Again “Repeat Every” number of months, like the weeks.

You also get to choose fro Same Day, or set a Specific Day. If you chose a start date, thats when it will repeat. If you choose a specific day, You can choose the day of the week, and of which week of the month. An example the Third Tuesday of the month.

Again the repeat until, is exactly the same.


If you choose Yearly. The event will repeat every number of years depending on your selection.

And will repeat until the date selected.

Custom Dates

Custom Dates, will allow you to select specific dates, This is good for scattered dates..

Custom Weeks

Choose repeat every, Week, second week etc. Choose repeat until, Then you can add the days of the week. This is good if you have events on set days of the week, every week.

Different Locations

If Your events are in different locations, simply set the dates, of your events, fill in the details as normal, but in the description, List the date and the location and we will edit the locations for you.

It is that simple to add multiple events. Once added come back in 24 to 48 hours and see if your event has been approved and listed.

By admin