Hailing from Mulubinba/Newcastle, Atlas Alexander Franklin has dazzled with his post-punk and indie pop wiles over the years, layering lashings of imagination across ambient synths and immersive beats in a way that is both fresh and familiar; and entirely fascinating.
Releasing his debut EP ENTER ECHO in 2021, Alexander blends raw emotion into his sonic dreamscapes, offering uplifting messaging and relatability along with resplendent catharsis. And, for Alexander, his musical output is as much a therapy for himself as it is for any of his listeners who venture into his spellbinding creations.
“It’s almost like writing music is my form of self-therapy,” shares Alexander.
“The drive to understand, to express what’s inside through writing & recording. My song writing came from wanting to create something that was completely real & honest with no outside influences. So yes, it’s definitely like I’m counselling myself through my music lol.
I just have always had and will always have this strange impulse to create stuff. Sounds a bit hippie-dippie but music’s always been my way of navigating life, and this project came from wanting to make something completely on my own terms.”
With the imminent release of Flexible New Replica, Atlas Franklin Alexander is also set to embark on a special run of shows in support of the new EP, with the Flexible New Replica Tour visiting Wollongong on March 7, Sydney on March 13 and Melbourne on March 21.
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Home Grown - YES